Being a college student usually means that you’ll have to be on your feet many hours every day. Not only will you be going from one class to another, but you’ll be away from home attending lectures, studying at the library and meeting friends to exchange notes.
Depending on the season and the weather outside, you will have to have some pairs of shoes that will help you stay comfortable and cozy throughout your entire college year. In order to help you with that task, here are some of the best shoes you can pick and wear every day.
In This Post
1. Comfortable Sneakers
In order to be able to stay at college long hours, you will need to wear a pair of shoes that will keep your feet comfortable. One of the pairs that all students religiously wear and love are classic Converse. From high-tops to low tops and now even custom university branded Converse, there is bound to a be style you will love!
Converse make great college student shoes because they can be easily washed and customized to fit your personal style. Through the years Converse have rightfully been regarded as some of the most comfortable everyday shoes.
Converse is a legendary footwear brand, the originator of the Chuck Taylor sneaker, and a style icon for decades for everyone from punk rockers to prepsters to basketball players and everyone in between.
2. Running Shoes
Running shoes will always come in handy when you are in college. If your schedule is too tight, you will still have to find time to squeeze a workout into your most stressful days. While paper writing services might be an option for the load, you can always carry your running shoes with you in case you wish to go to the gym after class.
One of the most famous brands you will come across is Nike, which is known for offering its customers comfortable and affordable running shoes. Some other brands which can provide you with good quality running shoes include ASICS, New Balance and of course Adidas.
ASICS’ mission is to become the number one brand for the sports enthusiast. Whether it’s running shoes, shorts, or shirts, ASICS strives to build upon its technological advances and push the limits of all its athletic gear.
3. Rubber Flip Flops
If you live in a dorm, rubber flip flops will be some of the best shoes you can have. If your building has a common bathroom or shower area, you will definitely need flip-flops in order to walk around both during the winter and the summer.
You should pick a pair which will be sturdy even when you put it in water. Havaianas are the classic and lasting rubber flip flops which you will be able to use for every task in your busy college life. Pick from trending designs to add some fashion flair to your footwear!
4. Rain Boots
Your semester is most likely to start in September and the weather will still be nice. After a couple months though, the weather will change completely and depending on where you live you will have to be able to still go to class without having your shoes being wet every time you leave your room.
Rain boots are an item which will save you a lot of time and effort. Not only will you be able to walk everywhere safely, but you won’t have to carry extra pairs of shoes with you in case it rains and you will also not have to spend hours trying to clean and dry your soaked sneakers.
5. Winter Boots
After the rainy weather pass, the temperature will continue dropping and snow won’t take long to follow. The best thing you can do in order to make your schedule work around the weather is to get a pair of warm winter boots which will keep your feet warm and cozy all day long.
Winter is the time where most students start having problems showing up to classes. Some of the best paper writing services for college students reveal that winter is their busiest season of the year, as students have difficulty keeping up with classes and assignments due to the bad weather. Your winter boots will definitely help you continue attending classes and not lose your focus at all.
6. Flat Shoes
If you wish to dress a little fancier and your sneakers are just not completing the look, the next best thing you can get is a pair of flats. The otherwise known as “ballet shoes” will help you stay on your feet all day and walk as much as you need to get your tasks completed.
Along with that, they are also super easy to slip on and off. You can give your feet a quick rest by taking them off while you’re in class and nobody will even notice that you are pretty much barefoot!
7. Slippers
A pair of fuzzy and fluffy slippers is the best thing for your feet after a long day in shoes. When you come home from your classes and obligations, the very first thing you will be looking forward to doing is taking your shoes off.
Slippers will help your feet relax and feel warm and they will be especially helpful during the cold months, when you will need some comfy slippers to keep your feet warm.
8. Sandals
During the summer, there is no better pair of shoes to keep your feet dry and comfy other than sandals. If you’re busy and walk around a lot, you should invest into buying a pair which will not hurt the bottoms of your feet and which will allow them to absorb sweat and moisture while you walk so you don’t slip.
Some of the most comfortable sandals you will come across definitely have to be the Birkenstock ones. While they might be a bit on the pricier side, they come with a cork sole which is not only comfortable but also promotes good posture while you walk.
9. A Pair for Formal Occasions
Last but not least, another important pair you will need to own as a busy college student is a pair of more formal shoes, preferably heels, which you will have for special occasions, like events and conferences you will be attending. This will save you a lot of time from trying to find a pair of shoes which will match your outfit at the last minute.
That being said, you should go for a pair which will be rather easy to style with many outfits and which will also be easy to walk and stand in for some amount of time. Classic kitten heels and thicker heeled sandals will be a great option for any occasion.
Having the Right Pair for Every Occasion
Whether you need a pair of shoes which you will be wearing every single day or you are looking for a more preppy pair, this list will help you get some ideas on where to get started when picking the pair you need. In any case, you need to keep in mind that comfort should be the number one reason when picking a pair of shoes for your college days, as you will be wearing it for many hours, every single day.
Which is your personal favorite pair of shoes when you’re attending classes daily?