It’s that time of the year again when we all (me included) are trying out new weight loss programs to achieve our new year’s resolution or losing a few pounds and inches. So, I’ve been looking into some of the best workout shoes.
Josh Hillis says barefoot is best, followed by Vibram Fivefingers – seriously?! I was thinking more along the lines of checking out the Reebok EasyTones or even the Skechers Shape Ups, until I saw a video about Earth Footwear.
According to a study, people that wear Earth Footwear burn 4x more fat than those who don’t wear Earth Footwear. The secret is in the technology. Earth Footwear uses Kalso ® Negative Heel Technology ®, a unique inclined sole that positions the toes 3.7 º higher than the heels. The slight angle shifts weight subtly back over the heels, and can help strengthen and tone the body while also burning calories. So if you can’t get to the gym, put on a pair of Earth Footwear and go about your normal routine. The shoes will do the work for you. OR if you want better results with your workout, put on a pair of Earth Footwear to really kick the fat burning into high gear!
Earth Exer-Walk sneakers were previously available from with Free Shipping.
You can find Earth Footwear for the best price on Amazon.