
Make it Personal: What Your Shoes Reveal About Your Personality

Make it personal: What Your Shoes Reveal About Your Personality
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What kind of a person are you? An attention seeker, loyal person or self-confident? There is a lot that can be used to find out about your personality and one way is by looking at the shoe that you wear. Here is what your shoes reveal about your personality.

Flats vs Heels

High Heels

High Heels

Anyone in high-heeled shoes is the type that will take control amidst crisis. Such a person is quick on his or her feet and can make clear and logical decisions. It is a sign of a remarkably self-assured personality confirming a safe feeling for the people around them. This the kind of a person who takes charge as described by Kathy Kelada, a once Hollywood-stylist who is now a life coach and writer of “Be the Shoe.” She very assertive and enjoys being at the centre stage.

Flat Shoes

Flat shoes are a sign of humility and a humble personality that does not need recognition or attention for whatever efforts have been made. The flat shoe-wearer is generous, focused and very modest. They are the kind of people doing work everywhere. Such people will be there running the engine behind the scenes.

Sports Sneakers vs Glamorous Shoes

Sports Sneakers

The kind that wears sports sneakers can get along with anyone regardless of their age. They can relate with the younger or feel comfortable talking with anyone older than them. For them, age is just a number. They are versatile and very open ready to look at a number of options and various ideas. These people are ageless and energetic. You can’t say they are either old or young. They appear to move fluidly through different age groups.

Glamorous Shoes

For those putting on glamourous shoes, they are needy people looking for approval. One of the ways to find approval is through their new shiny shoes.

Decorated vs Minimalistic

Decorated Shoes

Decorated Shoes

It may not be everyone but people in decorated shoes are looking for attention and care. They decorate themselves with expensive shoes to make others easily detect their style. While some could be doing it because they have the money, others are doing this purposely to win the attention of others.

Minimalistic Shoes

Those in minimalistic shoes are goal-oriented. These are people who exude confidence and good organization. They ideally illustrate the multitasking idea and will be there taking care of almost everything and you will find them everywhere.

Color Psychology of Your Shoes

Some people think that color has nothing to do with the choices, behaviors and feelings that they got. However, by looking at what they are wearing, their perception of color doesn’t hold. There is a reason why they wouldn’t paint their bedroom in a certain color, say yellow. What makes one not put on a bright green suit to work? Not many would put on such an outfit but if they chose to, then there can’t be an issue as long as they are okay with it. The thing lies in the perception of the colors worn.

There are cold and warm shades of the color of your shoes. Each of the different options gives a different feeling. You could love a certain color but consider it inappropriate for the shoe you are wearing for a given purpose. For instance, red could be your favorite color but wouldn’t feel comfortable in red shoes. On the other hand, you may not like brown as a color but when it is time to choose your shoes, it becomes a favorite.

Choosing a shoe color can be based on two perceptions: just for having fun and playing with color or make an effort to match the shoe color with that of other garments you are putting on. You can choose a shoe color to match with your dress or the jewelry on you. However, you could also go for a different color to suit another interest.


People have different reasons why they put on the kind of shoes they do. Some could mean nothing other than just to feel comfortable for the occasion. However, others have a lot to do with the personality. Confident people, go-getters and those seeking recognition will have different shoe choices. Here are some shoe types and the different personalities they represent.