
DIY: Blinged Shoes

How to Bedazzle Your Shoes
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In elementary school everyone wanted to beadazzled their backpacks, lunch boxes and any school related accessory. In high school the beadazzling went to new extremes and girls walked in with blinged out jackets and crazy designs all over the jeans. Was it cool, at the time yes but also way tacky and as an adult you probably will never beadazzle anything in your life.

Well, you might want to rethink that because other than beadazzling your cellphone cover and your finger with a large engagement ring, the new trend is beadazzling your shoes.

Designer Budget

Before we get into the do it yourself part, I will tell you about the shoes that you can purchase that are already beadazzled. I know, not everyone is crafty or has the time to sit and meticulously place gems all over their shoes.

Depending on the type of style you want and quality, there are many designers’ beadazzling shoes right now. The new trend is gems, large or small, on the back heel of a pump. Any gems on the front are going to be cute, but they may just be a little too blinged out for some of us. The price will vary depending on designer name, quality of shoe and quality of gems. If you don’t care that you are wearing plastic sparkles from a craft store, then you can purchase shoes fairly cheap but if you want to be walking around town with Swarovski crystals, you are going to be paying a couple thousand.

Do It Yourself Bling

For those of us who have designer shoes, or shoes that just need to be updated and also have the time on our hands to try a wacky project here are the supplies and steps to bling out your high heels.


  • a pair of heeled shoes
  • different sizes and shaped rhinestones
  • E-6000 glue
  • tweezers
  • small dish or container
  • toothpick


  1. Squeeze about a quarter size of glue into your bowl.
  2. Using your tweezers, select a gem of choice and dip non shiny, flat surface side into glue.
  3. Press the stone into the top part of the heel and repeat going downwards. You can create your own pattern depending on the types of gems you have. If you want a Louboutin look, only use small round gems and keep them close together, but not touching. If you want to mimic the Miu Miu look, start with large gems and fill in later with smaller gems.
  4. If you have a stiletto heel, do not add gems and stop when the top half of the shoe is complete. If you have chunky heels, continue if wanted.
  5. Repeat on second shoe.

It’s really that simple, but of course more time consuming. You can really get crazy with the gems on your shoes by using all of one color, multiple colors, fun patterns and different designs. Just remember that the gems are not going to come off, they are there forever and if they do fall off due to wear you are going to want to replace it so keep extra glue and gems stored away.

Wear  your blinged shoes on a yacht party with a brand new swimdress.


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