I almost forgot about my white Minnetonka soft sole back-zip moccasins I had until I saw an online pic of some similiar ones. So, I dug them out of the closet for a snapshot. I haven’t wore them in twenty years, but I don’t think I could part with them. I remember seeing them in a western store, and my mother bought them for me as a gift as I liked them so much. The zipper didn’t zip all the way up the back, so my grandmother put in rivets for holes under the fringe (she was an upholsteror), and I used white bread ties to hold them together. I always wanted to find some type of traction to apply to the bottoms of them as my footprints are embedded on the bottom. I found the exact same brand/style is still made and for sale at Sheplers (Item #049444)! And they are only $31.99. For some reason, I was thinking my mother paid a lot more than that for mine, even twenty years ago. I also remember owning a pair of Minnetonka Classic Fringed soft sole brown booties when I was younger, but out-grew them, so I’m sure my mom gave them to the Goodwill.
Shop Minnetonka Moccasins on Amazon!