You look at your feet a couple times each day and there is a good chance you have never considered your feet particularly wide. But, have you actually measured them at any point? You may be surprised at what you find.
I have actually just recently come to the conclusion that my feet are indeed very wide, and what a discovery it was. I actually had completely disregarded the fact that my feet were huge and had been stuffing my feet into these slim little shoes. When, I was a boy, my insightful mother stopped taking me to the regular shoes outlets in favor of a well-suited selection for my special needs at the “Wide’N’Fit” location.
Call it willful independence or involuntary suppression, but I had completely disregarded my mother’s admonitions to care for my wide feet otherwise I wouldn’t be able to properly balance by disproportionate head. (Thanks Mom!) The event that conjured up all these sparkling memories was the gradually more painful development of bunionettes.
For those not familiar with this condition, these are not regular bunions, but the type that grow from the other side of the foot near the little toe. I have to admit the aesthetics, unpleasant as they were, were the least of my concerns. I’d have kicked myself good for forgetting the chidings of my mother, but the bunionettes.
Another thing is, no one really talks about the width of your feet and how this egregious foot deformation can be prevented. Plate feet is a serious condition and many people are affected, something most shoes stores know little or nothing about.
You may be sitting back now stroking your dainty little feet right now and sneering at my misfortune, but you may also be wearing a 34C bra size when your correct measurements would put you at a 32D. Why? Because, no one really measures anymore.
But if you knew what know now, you would be a little more concerned about this. Getting the correct measurements for your shoes (and bras) will decide what your spine and body looks like when you are 65, this is not something you will want to take lightly.
In This Post
Getting the Right Measurement
The best time to measure your feet is in the evening when a long day of standing and walking has expanded them about as much as they will go. You want the shoes you buy to fit this size at its widest. You will also want to wear the socks you will be wearing when you wear the shoe.
Much like the breasts, the feet are not exactly the same size. So, you will want to repeat the process for the other foot as well. You may need some help to get this just right.
Stand on a piece of paper, stand straight so that your feet take the shape they will have when you are in this position, with your weight distributed equally. Have your buddy outline the foot at the widest points on either side and the tips of the toe and heel. Then pull out a ruler, or tape measure, and note the width and length of your foot.
Flat Shoes
This is an unglamorous aspect of your shoe selection, but it is imperative that you refrain from wearing heels. The pressure that heels place on the widest part of the toes is especially straining and can increases the likelihood that your foot bones will begin to move from position to accommodate the pressure. So your feet will literally start to change their shape and balloon outward at the sides. And don’t think you can go to the doctor to have this protrusion popped and you’re done. These are bone deformations and it the only way to get them returned to their original form is by bone shaving, and that is another story.
Preserve your feet by walking to work in trainers. The day heels you may need at the office should be kept to a kitten heel. IT is not worth sacrificing your comfort in life for a vanity now. Consider brogues that can be worn with skirts and dresses.
Heels are a big part of life and it will be hard for some to rule out these shoes completely. While some of the stiletto and pointed shoes will be absolutely no-go’s, there are many varieties with rounded tips that can be perfect for you. Wedges and platform shoes are ok as well. Check out these Propet shoes for wide feet, if you’re looking for some inspiration.
Summer is the best time to be wide-footed as the sandals and flip-flops that can be work during the summer months let the toes and feet free. Make the most of the summer months and get those sandal that allow your feet to move about with as little leather strapping as possible. These options can still be very stylish. You will still want to find a sandal option that allows your foot full support. Slapping hard plastic floors in a thin sandal can be very uncomfortable after a while.
Shoe Material
Look for the softest most supple leathers you can find, or you can find breaking in a hard leather is excruciating and causes irreparable damage – except with bone shaving! Start with something nice and soft that won’t feel like your stuffing your feet into something too tight. Cork fabric and fish leather are some of the best options available for those with sensitive feet.
Still Stylish
Don’t despair because all the most publicized options might not be available to you. This only means that finding the best stylish options, will mean looking beyond the regular outlets. Consider having shoes made for your feet by a shoe maker. This way you can find styles and materials you like online and make whatever you want.