Celebrating the Cinderella Diamond Edition with Disney, Christian Louboutin recently debuted sparkly stilettos based on the fairytale’s iconic “glass slippers” at the Palais Brongniart, during Paris Fashion Week. Announcing his intention to re-design the shoes of Disney’s most glamorous princess prior to the global launch of Cinderella on Blu-ray, the stiletto master has only commissioned 20 pairs for the limited edition shoe line i.e. you won’t find this delightful shoe hanging at just any high street boutique.
Christian Louboutin’s partnership with Disney was bound to result in magical couture. Releasing the Cinderella-inspired stiletto line, the shoe artist has managed to bring the fairytale to life with his own version of the Disney classic. Not quite as dainty as a glass slipper, Louboutin’s Cinderella shoes are Disney-like with a twist. Featuring sewn-in Swarovski crystal butterflies and exquisite white lace, the peep-toe heels are a royal sensation amongst shoe lovers. Not above being branded by the shoe maker, his Cinderella stilettos have also received the Louboutin treatment: glossy red soles and 9inch heels.
Since being published in 1967, Cinderella’s story has continued to captivate the imagination of little girls, women and designers around the world. Louboutin’s shimmery slippers are seen as an extension of this.
If the Slipper Fits
The French designer released a statement about his latest creation, saying that Cinderella was “not only an iconic character when it comes to beauty, grace and fairytale love, but also shoes.” Echoing his sentiment, it seems the self-named Red Sole Man has become fairy-godmother to the modern day women ““ and his limited edition slippers the magic wand of transformation.
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