
Spoiled Girls Wear Silver Ugg Boots

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I love watching the TV commercials during the SuperBowl! Did you notice in the Cheetos commercial that aired above  that Stevie Ryan was wearing Silver Metallic UGG Boots? Yeppers, she is indeed.

UGG Women's Classic Short Metallic Sparkle Fashion Boot, Gunmetal, 7


Authentic UGG Australia  Short  Metallic Silver Sheepskin boots  were available from FootwearEtc.com, $160 with Free Shipping.   Footwear Etc. offers a  Low Price Guarantee plus Lifetime Returns!

Steal the Silver Ugg Boot style with similar silver boots.

P.S. Although the Cheetos commercial was good, my favorite Super Bowl commercial this year was Cash4Gold.com with Ed McMahon and MC Hammer.

You can find Silver Ugg Boots for the best price on Amazon.

5 thoughts on “Spoiled Girls Wear Silver Ugg Boots”

  1. I’m a big fan of ugg boots, but would probably never wear the silver ones, they’re just so shiny and look like moon boots!

  2. I hate uggs. They’re ugly and don’t go well with anything but I think in case of snow they might be kinda useful. But I don’t know how much you’d have to pay me to make me wear the silver ones.

  3. I just saw this girl with silver uggs on and ihave to say they are soo sexy. I just recently became a fan of uggs and I honestly L O V E them! My boyfriend bought me the chesnut sunset uggs and I cherish them.

  4. I have to say I started liking uggs when me boyfriend got me some.SO he’s really special to me because he bought me the silver ones and his name is MIGUEL TORRES so I really love him and my name is YASMIN REYS but when I broke up with him he told me he still love me 2 days later.I didn’t knew what to say so I kissed him and got back toegether with him so he keeps taking me to the movies and over there at the movies he stareted kissing me so I kissed him back.

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